Welcome to the release notes for TRSuite version Read these release notes thoroughly before you install the latest update, as they contain information the User Guide documentation may not cover. Release and later requires a valid support license valid after 1st of January 2023.
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TRSUIT-134: SEI: Birthdate < 1.1.1900
If a person's birthday is before 01/01/1900, the "sfa:BirthInfo" tag is tacitly omitted from the FATCA XML due to a CRS rule. However, it is retained in the SEI-XML. The FTA carries out a check when importing the packages and determines: "The account holder's birthday from FATCA-XML does not match the account holder's birthday from SEI-XML. vs. 1899-XX-XX».
TRSuite now displays an warning after an excel import if the birth info was omitted. This allows the user to take the needed action (correct or remove the date entry).
TRSUIT-135: SEI: Organisation as Controlling Person
If an organization is designated as Controlling Person, the corresponding "ftc:SubstantialOwner" tag in the FATCA XML is implicitly omitted due to a rule. In the SEI-XML, on the other hand, he remains as a controlling person. The FTA carries out a check when importing the packages and determines: "SubstantialOwner from FATCA-XML does not match ControllingPerson from SEI-XML. Name: <company name>». In addition, there is a follow-up message, e.g. "The number of SubstantialOwners from FATCA-XML does not match the number of ControllingPersons from SEI-XML. Number of FATCA-XML 3 vs. number of SEI-XML 4"
TRSuite now displays an warning after an excel import if an element was omitted. This allows the user to take the needed action (correct or remove the date entry).
TRSUIT-145: CRS: XLS Export
Both modules (FATCA, CRS) now offer the option to export the current report into a XLS file (same format as known TRSuite templates). Currently only a single reporting FI is supported.
After selecting the export file path the data is exported into a XLS file. Data can now be corrected / added / removed and re-imported into TRSuite.
TRSUIT-109: CRS: AU CRS schema update
The AU specific transfer XML format has been updated and addresses new requirements concerning the content of the OECD-XML schema version 2.0. After updating to version 21.01 all exports will be done with the new schema version.
Loading OECD XML documents is possible for both versions. TRSuite detects the required version and loads the document accordingly.
TRSUIT-143: SEI: Several issues for update package
In case of an update package, the naming convention for delivery and information packages did not follow the ESTV standard. Now the following rules are properly implemented:
Delivery File
Fix: Da es sich um ein Update Delivery File handelt, muss der Filename zwingend um MM (-01) erweitert werden.
631.2-2021-US-2015-0000-0001-01.zip (631.3-YYYY-US-AAAA-BBBB-TTTT-MM.zip)
Information Package
Bug: Die Information Packages, welche nicht updated wurden, tauchen auch im File auf.
FIX: Ein Update Delivery File darf nur Information Packages enthalten, welche updated wurden. Filename muss beibehalten werden und mit ‘-01’ ergänzt werden. In unserem Fall dürfen nur folgende Informations Packages enthalten sein:
Inhalt der Information Packages
Fix: Auch die Filenamen müssen hier um ‘-01’ erweitert werden.
631.2-2021-US-2015-0000-000046-01.pdf (631.3-YYYY-US-AAAA-BBBB-NNNNNN-MM.pdf)
631.2-2021-US-2015-0000-000046-01.xml (631.3-YYYY-US-AAAA-BBBB-NNNNNN-MM.xml)
631.2-2021-US-2015-0000-000046-FATCA-01.xml (631.3-YYYY-US-AAAA-BBBB-NNNNNN-FATCA-MM.xml)
TRSUIT-147: FATCA/CRS: PDF Creation Protocol: line break if path is too long
The file path of the generated file name was not visible, if path elemen was to long > 100 chars. Now the name is properly formatted (line break).
TRSUIT-125: FATCA: Signatur validation multiple certificates
Prior to version a signatur validation failed, if the signatur contains > 1 certificate. This has now been fixed.
TRSUIT-132: CRS: Ireland Validator uses wrong country code
Prior to version the Ireland country validator uses IR instead of IE default country code. This has now been fixed.
TRSUIT-133: CRS: Split by tax residence fails if CP has a TIN List
Prior to version the split and save function failed, in case the controlling person has > 1 TIN. Now the controlling person is properly exported to all required country reports.
TRSUIT-137: CRS: Missing Message Type is not validated
Prior to version a missing message type does not generate an warning message when validating the report. This has now been fixed.
TRSUIT-138: CRS: IE check for valid character
Specific characters needs to omitted in case reporting to IE tax authority. Version offers the option to replace those forbidden character.