Welcome to the release notes for TRSuite version 20.11. Read these release notes thoroughly before you install the latest update, as they contain information the User Guide documentation may not cover. Release 20.11. and later requires a valid support license valid after 1st of November 2020.
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TRSUIT-88: CRS: Update schema v2.0
The OECD CRS XML specification has been updated (v3.0) and addresses new requirements concerning the content of the OECD-XML schema version 2.0. TRSuite Version 20.11 implements all changes as described in version 3.0 of the User Guide. Further, the software validates the reports against the new schema version 2.0.
To enable the new format, the user needs to configure the CRS version in the CRS Common Configuration section of the CRS module. After setting the version to 2.0 all exports will be done with the new schema version.
Loading OECD XML documents is possible for both versions. TRSuite detects the required version and loads the document accordingly.
TRSUIT-92: SEI: Provided password is overwritten during package generation (Bug)
Any entered password was overwritten during the generation of the transmission archive(s). This has now been fixed and a password provided by the user is used for all generated archives.
TRSUIT-93: SEI: Coverletter requires dedicate zip-File
Until version 20.05, the cover letter has been placed within each generated transmission archive. Since version a single dedicated ZIP-file is generated with the cover letter as content.
TRSUIT-94: SEI/FATCA: Document Reference ID capital letters only
Since version 20.11 the document reference IDs are generated in capital letters only.
TRSUIT-94: CRS: Albania Country Extension
Version 20.11 now supports CRS reporting for Albania. This covers a specific country validator, the XML signing, the generation of the required GovTalk XML-File and the HTTP post request to send the data to the local tax authority.
- Generate default OECD CRS XML using TRSuite with AL country validator
- Select the file as input for the “Sign & Submit” dialog
- Configure Private Key, Working Directory and GovTalk-Details
- "Generate XML" -> Upload File prefilled with the generated fiel
- Configure Target-URL
- "Upload" generated GovTalk XML file
- Verify response: stored in the Working Directory: GovTalkResponse_<YYYMMDDHHmm>.xml
TRSUIT-97: FATCA/IDES: IRS certificate update
The IRS has published a new public key replacing the existing key on December 13, 2020. TRSuite version includes the latest key.
After December 13, if you don't upgrade to the latest TRSuite version, you need to download the new IRS Public Key from IDES support homepage and configure it manually in the IDES configuration screeen to file your FATCA Reports.
TRSUIT-99: SEI: Update Serial Number validation checks wrong Value
Previous version of TRSuite did validate the whole dossier number, not just the update part (2-digits). This is fixes in version
In case you are using an older version, the error can be ignored in case the shown number is a two-digit value.